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Simple Fried Cabbage Recipe: A Quick and Tasty Side Dish

Simple Fried Cabbage Recipe: A Quick and Tasty Side Dish

Throughout my culinary adventures, cabbage is the most delicate veggie that I have handled. Although rich in texture, its complex flavor can sometimes get ruined in the cooking process, or fail to build up in a way that delights taste buds. For this reason, I 

How to Bake Whole Tilapia in the Oven

How to Bake Whole Tilapia in the Oven

Tilapia is a staple in our house. We cook it once a week. We’ve grown up in a country with a rich tilapia-eating culture. Tilapia fish are harvested in Lake Victoria and sold in the local markets at affordable prices. Even when there is a 

How To Peel Green Bananas For Cooking (3 Easy Ways)

How To Peel Green Bananas For Cooking (3 Easy Ways)

You’ll hear all the hype about green bananas as a great replacement for gluten-rich breakfast options, but no one will tell you about how they can be challenging to peel, and the notorious sap they produce that’s the mother of all stains. One more thing 

How To Cook Bean Stew – Simple Bean Stew Recipe With Veggies

How To Cook Bean Stew – Simple Bean Stew Recipe With Veggies

If a Kenyan is not making rice for dinner, they are making chapati, ugali, or githeri. These are the typical Kenyan dishes, and you’ll see where beans come in. Rice and bean stew are a match made in heaven. The same goes for chapati and 

How to Cook Green Bananas (with Scallions)

How to Cook Green Bananas (with Scallions)

Green bananas contribute to a big part of East African cuisine. In Kenya, Uganda, and some other East African countries, you will find a wide variety of green bananas. These are not varieties that feature a deep green color in their growth and maturity stages 

Epazote Leaves: A Guide to Kitchen Uses

Epazote Leaves: A Guide to Kitchen Uses

What is Epazote? Epazote leaves refer to the leafy parts of epazote; a herbaceous plant that is native to Mexico. Based on different geographical locations, the plant is also known as pigweed, American goosefoot, Indian worm weed, Jerusalem parsley, Mexican tea, Californian Spearmint, skunk weed, 

Simple Mahamri Recipe (with Instant Yeast) / Kenyan Coconut Mandazi

Simple Mahamri Recipe (with Instant Yeast) / Kenyan Coconut Mandazi

Mahamri/mamri/coconut mandazi is a type of deep fried bread that is almost similar to mandazi. The main difference between mahamri and typical Kenyan mandazi is the use of coconut milk or other coconut products (flour, flakes, or heavy cream) and yeast in mahamri recipe. That 

Parsley Vs Cilantro: A Kitchen Guide

Parsley Vs Cilantro: A Kitchen Guide

I use herbs actively in my cooking and have met many people who believe that parsley and cilantro are the same. I have had friends visit me and describe the ‘cilantro’ in my kitchen as unique and quite different. Ideally, what they try to paint 

Griddle Cakes Recipe/ Fluffy pancakes

Griddle Cakes Recipe/ Fluffy pancakes

When I have nothing ready for breakfast, pancakes are the first thing that come into my mind. There is never a dull moment with these yummy batter cakes. They are convenient, tasty and come in many forms and variations. It is possible to make incredible 

How To Dry Fresh Rosemary (step-by-step)

How To Dry Fresh Rosemary (step-by-step)

Rosemary is one of the most common kitchen herbs. People from different cultures around the world acknowledge its culinary strengths and charms especially in meat preparation. The aroma of lamb or chicken roasted in rosemary is heavenly. All the same, this herb is not always